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Canary Islands, first European destination in ROBLOX


Canary Islands, first European destination in ROBLOX


Editorial responsibility of news aktuell

Turismo de Canarias presents Find the Seasouls, an interactive experience within ROBLOX designed to promote environmental care in new generations, calling for respect for natural parks, protected spaces and the biodiversity of the islands

17 January 2025, 20:00

news aktuell



PressRelease - Editorial responsibility of news aktuell

Turismo de Canarias presents Find the Seasouls, an interactive experience within ROBLOX designed to promote environmental care in new generations, calling for respect for natural parks, protected spaces and the biodiversity of the islands

Madrid - Canary Islands Tourism is moving into the future with the launch of Find the Seasouls, Europe's first destination experience within ROBLOX, the immersive global social platform that has more than 80 million daily active users around the world and that It is currently one of the main meeting places for the Alpha and Z generations. 

Find the seasouls is an interactive experience designed to encourage care for the environment in new generations, calling for respect for natural parks, protected spaces and the biodiversity of the islands. Users travel with their avatar through the 8 Canary Islands, visiting landscapes such as the volcanoes of Lanzarote or the junipers of El Hierro, and they look for very special sea creatures, the Seasouls, characters inspired by animals that inhabit the islands. These creatures and their description have been created in collaboration with the prestigious oceanographer Cristina Fernández Gil, seeking to be faithful to the biodiversity of the Islands.

The traveler of the future learns by playing
The objective of this project is to connect with the tourist of the future (Alpha and Z generations), influencing the education of caring for the environment when visiting destinations . 
Since the experience is mainly aimed at the little ones, it has been designed prioritizing values ​​linked to sustainability and taking into account a maximum exposure time to the screen. Roblox automatically translates the video game into fourteen languages, including Spanish, English, German, French, and Portuguese.

Find the Seasouls is a project by the creative agency Flecher.co developed by Brandnewverse, subsidized by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).


Jone Urrutia

PressRelease - Editorial responsibility of news aktuell

All Press Release of English


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