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Good overall result and revenue growth for the ZEISS Group


Good overall result and revenue growth for the ZEISS Group


Responsabilità editoriale di news aktuell

17 dicembre 2024, 10:00

news aktuell



PressRelease - Responsabilità editoriale di news aktuell

ZEISS Group revenue increased to just under 11 billion euros (10.894 billion euros), (up 8% on the prior year) - EBIT 1,444 million euros (prior year: 1,686 million euros, EBIT margin 13%). Mixed development in the segments. High spend on research and development equivalent to 15% of revenue, more than 46,000 employees worldwide.

  • Increasingly challenging market environment for the direct-to-market segments
  • Strong growth in the Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology segment
  • Outlook requires reinforcement of resilience measures

Overall, ZEISS can look back on a very successful fiscal year 2023/24. The Group's revenue rose to 10.894 billion euros (prior year: 10.108 billion euros, up 8%). Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) totaled 1.444 billion euros (prior year: 1.686 billion euros) with an EBIT margin of 13%. All four segments of the ZEISS Group contributed to this growth. The challenges posed by geopolitical tensions and the current weaker global economic situation have, however, intensified and impacted the segments to varying degrees.

"Overall, we ended fiscal year 2023/24 with a good result and revenue growth. At the same time, it was not possible for all areas to escape the impact of current developments on the global markets" said Dr. Karl Lamprecht, President and CEO of ZEISS." Our success is based on our enormous innovative strength. To make sure it stays that way, we have spent a record 15% of revenue on research and development -  and thus more than ever before - and also invested in the targeted expansion of personnel and infrastructure."
Segment development 

 Revenue (in million euros)


(adjusted for currency effects)

Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology 

4,1223,55516% (16%)
Industrial Quality & Research    2,3692,2953% (5%)
Medical Technology*2,6112,504  4% (7%)
Consumer Markets 1,6661,6243% (4%)

* Not identical to the Carl Zeiss Meditec Group

Press contact

Jörg Nitschke, Head of Corporate Brand, Communications and Public Affairs
Phone: +49 7364 20-3242
Email: joerg.nitschke@zeiss.com

PressRelease - Responsabilità editoriale di news aktuell

Tutti i Press Release di English


See also

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