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FEV and ProLogium develop high-performance vehicle battery


FEV and ProLogium develop high-performance vehicle battery


Responsabilità editoriale di news aktuell

05 dicembre 2024, 15:30

news aktuell



PressRelease - Responsabilità editoriale di news aktuell

Aachen – Customer requirements for the evolution of electric cars are clearly defined: reduced weight at increased efficiency, higher range at shorter charging times and maximum safety. FEV, Germany's innovation powerhouse for the automotive and energy industry, and ProLogium, global pioneer in developing advanced vehicle batteries, fulfill precisely these requirements with their new product.

All this is made possible by LLCB technology (Large-Footprint Lithium Ceramic Battery). With its anode of 100 per cent silicon this battery offers a 10-times higher capacity density compared to graphite anodes used today. Depending on the vehicle segment and intended use, the LLCB saves up to 300 kg or allows a maximum range of 1,000 km. The applied solid-state electrolyte is non-flammable and increases safety against thermal runaway. It also prevents potential short circuits caused by leaking electrolyte fluid in the event of a spill.

“For the LLCB solution, we have successfully combined ProLogium´s know-how in the field of cell development with our development, system and testing expertise,” said Dr. Thomas Hülshorst, Global Vice President Electric Powertrain at FEV. “Our collaboration on battery packs and concept designs focuses not only on regulatory standards, but also on market requirements. We even exceed these.”

The anode also enables ultra-fast charging, charging the battery from five to 60 per cent within five minutes. This allows the user an average range of 300 km. After further three minutes, the battery is charged to 80 per cent and can cover additional 100 km. In this way, the LLCB helps to bring charging times closer to the duration of a refueling process for vehicles with combustion engines.

At the Paris Motor Show 2024, FEV and ProLogium announced to continue their joint efforts for LLCB development in the future.

Read more: https://shorturl.at/9maEg 

Marius Strasdat
T +49 241 5689-6452

PressRelease - Responsabilità editoriale di news aktuell

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